Poultry and Game Birds

  • Turkeys
  • Poultry Meat
    Poultry Meat
    Consultancy on Commercial Poultry rearing for meat from grandparent stock to finished product
  • Commercial Layers
    Commercial Layers
    Consultancy on Commercial layers meat from grandparent stock to finished product
  • Game Birds
    Game Birds
    Game bird consultancy including pheasant, Quail and Ducks

Parklands Poultry department covers the N.Ireland and Border Counties and is headed up by Ian Stewart and Caroline Hall. They are ably supported by Sharon Hazelton and Rebecca McKinley  focusing on client care. Over the past 10 years, Parklands has built up a reputation of attention to detail and through on farm team work leading to maximising productivity, Growth and Health status of poultry flocks under our care.

We have expertise in:

  • The intensive poultry meat sector
  • The commercial layer industry both Free Range and Alternative Systems.
  • The turkey industry
  • Pedigree and fancy fowl
  • Backyard hobby poultry
  • Game bird medicine and husbandry

Our practice focus is to develop an intimate team approach with common goals (maximising returns with minimal costs, medicines and disease) whilst offering competitive priced medicines and excellence on customer service….. your problems are our problems.

If you are a commercial or Hobby Poultry farmer who would like to benefit from our approach, experience and practical advice please contact Ian Stewart on 0044(0)2887752299.

Commercial Layers
Meat Chicken
Game Birds