Pet Dental Care


Dental disease is the most frequently seen health problem in pet animals.

At least 7 out of 10 dogs and cats over the age of 3 years have dental health problems.

The most common conditions seen are periodontal disease (gum disease), tooth resorption (in cats) and fractured teeth. Dental disease in rabbits is also a very frequent problem.

Dental disease is often painful and can be very debilitating. It can be the cause of and is often associated with significant poor health.

At Parklands Veterinary Group, we have a team of veterinary professionals who are able to advice on dental health and treat problems when needed. Please bring your pet to see us if you have concerns about their teeth.

Dental procedures are frequently advised and carried out in our dental room where we have ultrasonic scaling and polishing equipment to enable dental hygiene procedures and high speed drill units to facilitate extractions. We also possess a digital x-ray units and regularly utilise this to make accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions for pets with dental disease.

In order to perform a dental procedure effectively a general anaesthetic is required. A closely monitored anaesthetic makes the procedure pain free and as safe as possible.

If you think your pet is suffering from dental health problems an appointment with one of our many experienced veterinary surgeons should be made.

For further information on topics in dentistry see our information sheets below:

  • Dental Disease
  • Dental Disease in Rabbits
  • The Signs of Dental Disease in Dogs, Cats & Rabbits
  • Top Tips for Healthy Teeth in Dogs and Cats

The ideal way to look after your pet’s teeth is to brush them with a soft pet toothbrush and animal toothpaste at least 1-2 times a week (more frequently if possible).  In the absence of tooth-brushing there are several things you can do to maintain your pet’s dental health. Feeding complete dental diets on a daily basis to form at least 30% of their food intake will help to reduce plaque and tartar build up and reduce the need for dental scale and polish procedures.

We also have regular nurse clinics where you can see a Veterinary Nurse for dental advice.