Pet Passports
17th November 2017 by Andrew Turkington
Travelling Abroad With Your Pet
More and more pets are travelling abroad with their owners under the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) which enables dogs, cats and ferrets to return to the UK after travelling to an increasing number of destinations without quarantine.
For your pet to be eligible to travel under PETS, there are a number of guidelines which must be adhered.
The Procedures
- The rule have changed since January 2012
- Your pet should be micro chipped.
- After the microchip has been fitted, your pet must be vaccinated against rabies.
- You do not now need a blood test for EU destinations but you cannot return to the UK until 21 days following the rabies vaccination
- Your vet will issue you with an official PETS passport. Within N. Ireland, you as the client need to apply to DARD for your pets passport which will be sent to us as your named vet.
- 24 hours to 5 days prior to entering or returning to the UK, you will have to arrange for an authorised vet to treat your pet for tapeworm (tick treatment is no longer mandatory ). This treatment will be recorded on a separate official certificate of treatment.
- Arrange for your animal to travel on an authorised route – Your animal must enter England from a PETS country travelling on an authorised route with an approved transport company.
In addition to the stipulations that you must adhere to if you’re travelling abroad with your pet, it’s also advisable to protect him against travelling diseases transmitted by mosquitos and sand flies. Ask us about the most effective products before you travel.
For the most update information please follow this link: