Lameness Examinations

Lameness is a common problem and encompasses a range of conditions from foot bruising and abscesses to joint and tendon disease.  In order to prescribe appropriate therapy it is necessary to diagnose the cause of lameness accurately.

In general a lameness investigation begins with a gait analysis at walk and trot. This should be carried out on a hard, level surface. Lunging the horse on a firm surface can be very useful to reveal low grade lameness. Palpation of the affected leg and a thorough foot examination will be carried out. Flexion tests can be useful to localise the site of lameness to a joint.

Lameness issues can cause pain, worry and lost time. At Parklands our aim is to find the cause of the problem, recommend appropriate treatment and get you and your horse back to normal as soon as possible.

All of our  vets have the experience and expertise needed to work up the vast majority of lameness cases at your yard. Investigation may involve a number of procedures including:

  • Examination of your horse’s movement, stride and limb placement
  • Palpation of the limbs and muscles
  • Ridden or working examination
  • Nerve or joint blocks
  • X-ray or ultrasound


For more complex cases or cases where extra facilities are required, referral to our equineUnit may be necessary where your horse can be examined by one of our  clinicians. At the hospital your horse will also have access to our state-of-the-art facilities which include a designated firm trot-up and lunge area.

The equine practice also offers both standard and advanced diagnostic imaging services which enables us to provide comprehensive evaluation. These include:

  • Radiography (CR Digital system)
  • Ultrasonography


Following a diagnosis, treatment options will be discussed with you and appropriate treatments carried out.

Treatments vary depending on the individual horse and may include joint medication, remedial farriery and appropriate exercise regimes through to surgery. If surgery is indicated  a wealth of surgical experience and expertise.

Nailing the shoe on the hoof.

We also work closely with local remedial farriers, with farriers regularly seeing cases at the equine yard. We are also happy to discuss cases with, and work alongside, your own farrier.