Ram Fertility Testing


Semen testing of rams is invaluable. Reasons for testing include pre tupping, pre sale or pre purchase. Our vets are trained in fertility testing. We advise that rams are tested 6-8 weeks before tupping. Semen samples are taken from the rams and are examined under the microscope for viability whilst on the farm, giving immediate results. Semen testing rams can save time and money and will hopefully improve conception rate.

We recommend examination of all rams 6-8 weeks prior to tupping to diagnose any problems that may interfere with their job. It is important to do this 6-8 weeks before as this is the time it takes for sperm to be produced. Careful examination of the genital system and the feet are performed. Sound feet are very important when serving, but anything causing the ram to have a temperature is potentially detrimental for sperm production.